wo are we
About Us
North of England Schools & Academies Forum
The North of England Schools & Academies Forum (NESAF) is the national organisation and sector body for academies and multi-academy trusts in England advocating for, connecting and supporting executive and governance leaders. Our aim is to provide the sharing of experience and knowledge with new, aspiring and established academy and multi-academy trust leaders as to provide a supportive network across the region.
Mission Statement
A support and discussion network group to inform and support colleagues in their roles to achieve the best outcome for academies and in turn pupils.
Our vision
The aims and objectives of the NESAF are:
- The sharing of experience and knowledge with new, aspiring and established academy and multi-academy trust corporate leaders as to provide a supportive network across the region.
- To consider collaboration and regional consultation with a number of agencies i.e. ESFA, DfE, RSC and local authorities, etc.
- To share experience and information on selected and targeted areas including Estates, Finance, IT, HR, Data Management, Insurance, Risk Management and Business Continuity, Procurement and Business Strategy / Policy.
- To provide training on key areas in the above areas through the use of ESFA representatives, established business contacts and SMEs as appropriate.
- Build and maintain both a social and professional network of Academy corporate leaders across the region and in doing so establish stronger relationships and build the confidence, skills and experience of corporate leaders with the aim of ensuring strong financial management and stewardship of public funds and resources.
- To host an annual networking event each July for the furtherance of the forum and in overall development of collaboration and networking.